Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life Begins

We had a much overdue "family day" yesterday.
So very needed for all of us.  Daddy, Mommy and the Beauties were really missing being together.
It was a gorgeous day outside, so we took full advantage of the sunshine.
Grandpa Dave raises cattle.  Spring is here and the farm is growing with all kinds of new baby animals.  Well, cows mainly.  However, we did see cats, chicks and bunnies too.
We headed out to the pasture in the "Gator" (what I like to call it, Silvie likes it too) and there were lots of momma cows and calves.  Oh and lots of poo.  Gross.  Sugar is still not a farm girl, just in case you were wondering. 
There were a set of twin calves born about a week ago.  They are being bottle fed several times everyday, because the Momma didn't take to them and had no milk.  The Beauties were able to feed them a bottle.  It was so sweet to watch them.  The Beauties were so excited and so were the baby calves.
On our way back, we were searching out Chloe's "pet cow" Cindy Moo-Who.  She has a white face with a black spot around her eyes.  Chloe loved her the first time she saw her (when she was a calf) and decided that Cindy Moo was "her" cow.  She had her second calf this year, both of which have white faces just like hers.  We call her calves "Who Calves." 
We snapped some photos of Cindy Moo and Babe and headed back.  On our way Gramma Val and I spotted a cow...becoming a Mommy Cow...literally.  We were just in time to be able to see a cow birth her calf.  AMAZING.  The Beauties sat and watched in amazement too.  Chloe thought the "slime" was a little icky, but we all agreed it was a really incredible thing to watch.
Farrah was a little concerned why the momma was "eating" the baby.  We gently "explained" about new babies.  A little on the how, why and where.  Not too far in depth...not ready for that talk quite yet.
A memorable day for our family. 
Looking forward to the next.

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