Sunday, May 30, 2010

Molli is 10!

Grammy and her girls.  I was trying to get Grammy to smile for the camera...I caught her mid-tongue-stick-out.  Sorry Gram, too cute not to share!
Molli the birthday girl!  Sorry this post has taken me so super long Molli!
We had a GREAT time at your party!  Lots of skating, laughing and fun!  So hard to swallow that you are 10 years old.  Where does the time go?
Hope your birthday was wonderful.  Just like you babe.

Skater Beauties.  They are getting pretty good on their skates (especially Farrah).
Papa...where are your skates?

Don't just stand there, let's get to it, strike a pose there's nothing to it...vogue vogue vogue...

Vogue vogue vogue.

Don't smile...don't smile...don't you smile.

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