Saturday, July 3, 2010

Chloe's first lesson

Chloe's had her very first ice skating lesson today!  She had a fabulous time!  She loves anything to do with any type of skating (of course she does.)  Grammy and Papa bought her 8 weeks of lessons for her birthday and she has been dying to start.  She did great.  She listened and watched and did exactly what her instructor taught her!  Her instructor is Russian.  It was so cute how she described how her talked.  "In Russia."  Maybe ice skating will be her calling.  She was looking like a pro, standing up without using her hands.  She must get that from her Mommy.  The triplets were very interested too, they really wanted to join big sissy on the ice.  Think we may have to give that a shot.  She cannot wait until next week to go again.

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