Monday, July 19, 2010

When 16 dollars feels like a million

There are moments in life that are truly beautiful.  they make you warm and fuzzy.  They make you smile for miles.  this was one of those for the Beauties, and for Mommy.
As we entered the petting area of the zoo, the beauties spotting the ponies.  They knew instantly that these were ponies that people could ride.  How could I say no to those sweet little sweaty faces.  Nope, couldn't.  They each picked their pony.  Chloe chose "doughboy", Jocelyn chose "Dot," Farrah chose "Black Beauty"and Silvie chose :Snowflake."  Each pony different, just like the beauties.
The smiles that took over their faces were amazing.  During that five minutes there was not a care in the world.
Tickets to the zoo:  thirty dollars.  Four pony rides:  sixteen dollars.  My Beauties smiling from ear to ear with happiness and delight:  priceless.

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