Sweet Baby

My friend Kelli and baby Jack came over for a visit tonight.  Chloe's friend Piper (the big sister) came over this afternoon for a beloved "playdate."  They had a great time doing big girl stuff, while the triplets and I got to drool over baby JJ.  I don't think he could have been any darn sweeter.  The triplets loved him!  They even got to help feed him.  Farrah especially was quite smitten with him.  So gentle.  Silvie told Kel to"give him a dink" when he cried.  She did not like it when he was upset.  I got some good snuggle time too.  Just enough to think a little, but not too much...we are done having babies around here!  Congratulations Kelli and Ryan!  He is amazing!

First Grade First Day

Summer is over.  School in session.  It's been a week back at the grind and we are all still adjusting.  Chloe is LOVING school.  (Not that there were any doubts.)  
The morning routine, knock on wood, is going so well.  We have been without the clothing battles of last year.  Which is good, because I had my fill of them last year.  
Chloe's teacher is on maternity leave through November, so she has a long term substitute.  She really like her and I am happy that she is happy.
Here's to a happy school year!

Nighttime Struggles

I will say that over the summer we have developed some awesome sleep habits.  As in, bedtime waaaay too late, taking literally hours to fall asleep and once asleep, not staying at rest.  We have never had great sleepers.  Any of our Beauties, beginning with Chloe.
Matt and I have reverted to advice given by the pediatrician as well as many parenting books.  We have reversed the lock on the triplets bedroom door.  They get three chances to stay in bed and go to sleep, after the third chance, the door gets locked.  I know to some it sounds mean, harsh if you will.  However, it is the only thing that we have done that seems to actually work.  If it remains unlocked, they literally come out, come out, come out and come out.  Over and over again.  I go back and forth on how I feel about it.  But last night, I realized they are safe and they are not in harm by having the door locked at night.
Fast forward to after all four were finally asleep.  I have taken a liking to that new show "Raising Sextuplets" I don't watch it often, but every once in a while.  (I was never a fan of Jon & Kate and always HATED being asked if I watched it just because I have multiples.)  But the parents in this one seem real, they seem to face real challenges of parenting multiples.  They actually remind me a lot of Matt and I.  I see similar personality traits.  Kinda weird.  
Back to the point...Last night one of the episodes on showed the challenges of success in getting toddlers to stay in bed throughout the night.  They had a parenting expert on who explained that when the children were babies, at sleep time, their cribs were their safe place.  Now that they are toddlers, able to be more mobile than is good for them sometimes, instead of having a crib, their room has now become their crib, their safe place during the nighttime hours.  
That has been a huge worry for Matt an I since the triplets have moved to toddler beds.  Our bedroom in downstairs, theirs up.  Although the house is "kid proofed" they are monkeys, curious monkeys and I often do worry about them safety wise.  Nothing stops them from getting on counters, going into the bathroom, up and down stairs in a groggy state, and especially opening the front door.  If I'm asleep and they are roaming the house, you just never know what trouble may find them.   We still have the monitor in their room of course.  I do hear them when they get up, if they are crying or loud.  But often, when they are quietly playing, I may not hear them right away.  They wake at different times each day.  Sometimes six sometime seven or eight, so I can honestly say, I don't wake before them and wait for them to get up.  I get the sleep I need.  Matt will agree on that one. So with a simple lock of the door, they are safe, where I put them.
Watching this parenting expert confirm this, remembering our pediatrician tell us that it isn't cruel or mean, makes me feel better about doing it.  Makes me remember, we are doing it to keep them safe.  
It was funny to see on the show the mom and dad carry out the same behaviors that Matt and I do.  Him being the strong, firm one and me the one having to cry, go downstairs or even outside until they lay down and go to sleep.  We are confident that it is what is best for us, and they only are upset for mere minutes, rather than hours of frustration on everyone involved, parents and children alike.
Now if we could just figure out how to get Chloe to sleep in her OWN bed by herself...we would be ready to conquer the next challenge in parenthood.

T minus one week

The school year is ALMOST here.  I'm not sure who is more excited?  Well actually I can tell you who...Chloe.  She is so "bored" and ready to go back to school.  The last several weeks of summer have been more than boring for her.  Mommy down with a blown knee.  Sisters that are into her business "all of the time."  Nothing to do.  The first day back is the 19th, and she wishes that the 19th was tomorrow.
She has her school supplies packed and ready to go.  Her first day outfits selected and already set out.  Ice cream social next Tuesday.  She asks everyday who her teacher will be?  Who will be in her class?  And my personal favorite...Is tomorrow the first day yet?

Happy Haircut Chloe

The final Beauty to the shampoo bowl...Chloe Girl!  She was the one that took a little convincing.  Of course she was not going to let her little sisters show her up.  After she watched all three of them had their turn, she decided it must be safe and she went for it!  She was glad she did!  She LOVED it.  Joanne was very careful not get water in her eyes or in her ears, which was her fear.  She sat in the chair, trying to decide whether to stay long or go short.  Pony tails were the deciding factor.  Short hair = no ponies...so she decided to stay long.  A healthy 3 inches off, but still long enough for all her favorite styles.
She did great and loves her new layered cut.
Can you tell by that beautiful smile?

Happy Haircut Silvie

Third up, sassy Silvie Mae!  With her curly locks and her lollipop, she was ready to take on the shampoo bowl challenge.  She was a champ!  She also loved every moment of the professional shampoo, the cut and the blow out and style.  I think her hair is the one that looks the most different.  Her wild curls are a bit more tame.  She looks sweet as ever!

Happy Haircut Farrah

Next up to the Shampoo bowl...Little Miss Farrah.  She smiled that sweet little grin the entire time.  The second in line, she sat still as can be and decided she wanted to keep her bangs.  And of course had to had a cute little side pony too.  So sweet.

Happy Haircut Jocelyn

Although it was not the first haircut, it was the first shampoo in the salon.  Jocelyn, stepped up to the plate and was the bravest of the brave.  She was determined to be "the first" one to get a professional shampoo.  She absolutely loved every second of it.  From the great smelling shampoo, to the head massage.  She was a huge fan.  She wants to get a bowl like that one for home.  After the wash, she sat like a big girl, still as a rock, well sort of.  She decided she wanted to grow her bangs back out, so Joanne showed us a pretty little style to help keep the hair out of her face.  She looks pretty sweet, I think.