Friday, August 27, 2010

Sweet Baby

My friend Kelli and baby Jack came over for a visit tonight.  Chloe's friend Piper (the big sister) came over this afternoon for a beloved "playdate."  They had a great time doing big girl stuff, while the triplets and I got to drool over baby JJ.  I don't think he could have been any darn sweeter.  The triplets loved him!  They even got to help feed him.  Farrah especially was quite smitten with him.  So gentle.  Silvie told Kel to"give him a dink" when he cried.  She did not like it when he was upset.  I got some good snuggle time too.  Just enough to think a little, but not too much...we are done having babies around here!  Congratulations Kelli and Ryan!  He is amazing!

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