Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Saturday Skate Time

Chloe is enjoying her ice skating lessons so much.  She passed through her first 8 weeks of lessons with flying colors.  She must get her skating abilities from her Momma (wink wink)  She is now on her second set of 8 weeks.  She has the same teacher and there is only one other little girl in her class, so she gets lots of individual time.  Which is a spectacular bonus.  She has really good balance.  If we could just convince her that falling is all part of it, she would be more at ease I think.  She was very excited to get to go for some extra practice with her cousin Molli.  She wanted to work on some things she has been learning..
She always seems to know that Mommy is shooting photos, sometimes she smiles and other times she pretends to be shy.
 The triplets love to watch Chloe and Molli skate.  It has become one of their most favorite things to do on Saturdays.  "Go watch Sissy skate and eat bagels."  
Triplet time out to blow some kisses at Mommy.
Kisses for Molli through the window.

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