Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treat...

Halloween has always been one of Mommy's favorite days.  Really, what is better than dressing up and collecting candy?  Exactly, not much.  This year in the arsenal we had a Vampire, a Devil Girl, a Penguin, an Elephant and of course an Alligator.
We hit a new neighborhood this year and had a BLAST.  The weather was very nice, chilly yet not cold enough to warrant the winter coats.  Perfect haunting weather.  Other than Chloe's wig being "itchy" it was a perfect night.

 Daddy stopped by for a visit before we hit the houses.  He handed out pencils and tattoos.  Which, to our Beauties, overrule candy any day.

 Farrah catching a ride in the wagon.
 Silvie hitching a ride in Papa's arms.
 This was one of the homes we visited.  The woman was dressed in full witch costume.  She had great goodies, special ones for each age group.  Everyone loved her except Jocelyn, she was VERY afraid of her.  Silvie made sure to lend comfort.  "She's not a for real witch, Jocey, just a "tend" one."  Jocelyn didn't care if she was real or not.  she froze and would not move.
 Chloe decided to lose the wig for the last few stops.

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