Friday, December 17, 2010

The Beauties have been loving making all sorts of different types of crafts.  I am all about handmade, from the heart girfts for the holidays. 
In our craft quest, I have learned a very fascinating tidbit about my loving husband...he is pretty darn creative.  He can make a pretty sweet alligator from play-doh.  Not to mention, check out these peanut people magnets he helped craft!
He had all sorts of ideas...beehive hair, mo-hawks, and even mustaches.  I'm not sure who had more fun, daddy or the Beauties! 
The girls have had a great time picking out which peanut is being gifted to whom.  It's very sweet to see them in deep decision process, to match the correct peanut to the correct person.  Chloe decided her "triplet" peanuts (which are all exactly the same) have to stay here as well as one of the Lady Gaga peanuts (see Feathers).  It was a great project!  I have to give thanks to my friend Hitzy, for giving us the idea!  It was one we will defiantly do again!

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