Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sweet Baby Gus...isn't a baby anymore

 I am already fighting back tears and I am in the first sentence.  Que sappy mommy alert.  
It was amazing to look back through photos of the last seven years and see how much our "little" family has changed.  This picture was taken eleven days before I became a mommy.  Seems now, like I have always been a mommy.  I'm not sure what I ever did before I was a mommy.  I remember this time.  I was so filled with excitement and fear (okay, I admit it, I was scared to death) anxiety and worry and tremendous happiness.  Our baby Gus would be here any day. 
On Thursday February 26th, 2004 we welcomed our beautiful, healthy baby girl into our world.  
As we smiled and cried and laughed and starred into her tiny beautiful face, we fell in love over and over and over again.  We were so blessed by this precious little girl brought into our world. 
 I don't remember sleeping in the hospital at all the first day she was here.  I was exhausted.  So many people to see her.  To welcome her.  I couldn't stop looking at her.  I couldn't believe she was here, in my arms and she was ours.

Proud Papas and Grandmas were teary eyed and excited.  Everyone fell in love with our sweet baby Gus the moment the met eyes with her.  Her charismatic way was apparent from the second her eyes opened.  She was a charmer from day one.  She will steal your heart and keep it close.
 The first days home were glorious delusion for me and for Matty.  We were so tired.  We had lots of cat naps.  We slept when Gus slept.  Which in her case seemed to be any time except the night time. 
I spent the first several weeks of her life dressing and undressing her.  Just to look at her.  So perfect.  So beautiful. 
 She was such a little peanut.  I never put her down.  I was the definition of breast feeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping momma.  Very proud to say that.

Papa and his "punkins"  Remembers when you only had two Poppy?
 Chloe and her BFF from birth OKZ.
 Mommy's girl. 
 Maybe Daddy's Girl?

 Chloe's cousin Molli is one of her best buddies.
Grammy's Girls.  Remember when you only have two Grammy?

 Maybe the Aquatic Center is where she developed her love of the Titanic?  She loved that place as a toddler. 
 Chloe and cousin Haley.  I was pregnant with the triplets at the time and they thought they were pretty funny, which they really actually were the hit of the party with their balloon bellies.
Our little princess.
The birthday girl today.

She has endured so much over the last years.  Mommy and Daddy added three baby sisters at a time.  Which was a huge adjustment for anyone, but as a three year old child, she took it better than anyone I think.  She loves them more than anything in the world.  
I watch her with other children and I am so proud of her.  She is caring and sensitive.  She puts other people first, always.  Even when she doesn't want to, she does.  She is a caregiver.  She is kind and gentle.  She is artistic and creative.  Her imagination sours.  She amazes me every single day.
I am blessed to be her Mommy.
My sweet baby Gus turned seven today.  SEVEN.  I cannot believe she came into my life seven years ago.  
She is smart, charismatic, charming and with everyday that passes I watch my tiny baby grow grow into a little girl and grow into a young woman right in front of my teary eyes.

I love you sweet baby Gus.
I have loved you from the very first moment.  I will love you forever.  For always.

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