Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Beautiful Easter

A day to remember that even the difficult days wake to new beginnings.
A day of rebirth.
A day of forgiveness.
A day of family.
A perfect day to celebrate life.
All that we have been given.
What we have worked so hard to achieve.
Miracles in motion within our view.
The world is a beautiful place.
Everyday we are here is a gift from above.
Life is precious.
Life is unique.
Not one moment should be taken for granted.
Each memory held close and cherished.
Like a fragile egg to be cradled delicately at all times.
Like a flower.
Tender and soft.
Sweet and gentle.
Protecting that precious beauty with everything inside you.
I was reminded today of all of these things.
Reminded as looked into the eyes of my four beautiful little girls.
My Miracles in motion.
Teaching me the beauty of life and all that it beholds.
Teaching me that each day is a new beginning. 
I look at them and I see life.  I see the future.  
I see a woman that is blessed more than she ever imagined she could be.
I see innocence and grace.  Kindness.  Precious little flowers.  Growing.  
Gentle and sweet.
Happy Easter.  Happy Spring.  Happy New Beginnings.
Happy Life.

1 comment:

  1. a beautiful Easter to your amazing family: joy for eyes and heart!!!
