Monday, May 9, 2011

Top Ten Reasons why I Love My Chloe

1.  She helps me when I'm hurt.
2.  She does special stuff.
3.  She snuggles with me.
4.  She is loveable.
5.  She rents good movies.
6.  She lets me spend tome with my Grandmas.
7.  She cooks me food.
8.  She takes me to the park.
9. She buys me stuff.
10.  She is AWESOME

My heart has melted.
I will climb this wall.  I will.  I will not, however, look at my Mommy, who is trying with all of her power to get me to look at her so she can take my picture, because I am Jocelyn.  And I do not look at the camera.
Sorry Mommy, you lose.  I win.
I will slide down this slide, but first I will stop and smile at my Mommy, who is of course, holding that camera.  She really likes it when I smile sweetly at her.  So I will ham it up, because I am Farrah, and that is what I do!  How's this grin Mommy?
I will pretend to look surprised at Mommy.  I know that she is pointing that camera at me.  I look sassy and cute and of course sweet as can be.  I will not smile right now though because sometimes I need to make Mommy work for it.  I am Silvie and I know I am cute, smiling or not.
Jocelyn showing her sisters how it is done.
Atta girl, Jocey...always being a leader.
I guess I will smile at her now. 
But only because I am having a blast and I cannot contain my happiness.
Mommy, Daddy and Chloe gave us our very first bicycles for our birthday.
We are very happy.  See...smiling.
Chloe and her bestie Olivia had to have their "family" picture taken together.
So sweet.  So grown up from the bathtub pictures we used to take of them together.
All the kiddos at the party today...but who is missing?
Jocelyn Pearl was missing!
She did not want to be in the picture.  
Actually, she just wanted her purple whistle, which we realized after the picture was taken this was the major crisis.  Daddy held her and although she wasn't smiling looking at the camera, at least she is in the photo with her sissies and her friends!
What a great 4th Birthday party.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

We LOVE cake(s)

The Littlest Beauties finally getting their cakes!
Of course they had their favorite animals...
Silvie = alligator
Jocelyn = penguins
Farrah = elephant
Aunt Deanna did an amazing job!
Silvie was so proud of her cake!
They are were!  But she especially would not move from the table where it was placed.

There were lots of people singing happy birthday.  The only malfunction of the party...
It was really windy and we couldn't get the candles to light.  I was really worried about this.  On their actual birthday, we sang and blew candles out four different times.  Once for all three together and then once for each individually.  They seemed okay with it today.  I think because there were so many people standing around them singing.  They just wanted to eat cake!
I still can't believe my triplets are FOUR!
Happy Birthday Babies!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Little Beauties at the Salon

Silvie going straight.  When the gal asked her what she wanted to do with her hair, she spoke right up and said, " I want mine straight!"
The birthday Girl kicking back reading the paper during her hair-do.
Chloe going for 1/2 down 1/2 up and lots of curls.
Farrah...hamming it up for the camera.

Jocelyn just chilling patiently.
Silvie almost straight...or is that Farrah?  Nope.  It's Silvie.
Jocelyn peeking through the curls.
Molli is getting some curls!
Silvie going for the straight locks into an up-do.
Farrah is ALL curls.
Jocelyn checking herself out.

Farrah...still smiling.

The birthday girl is going for the up-do now.
She is ALL smiles too.

The Beauties are...
The Birthday Girl Molli is...
My lovly Chloe girl!

More smiley Farrah.