Sunday, May 8, 2011

We LOVE cake(s)

The Littlest Beauties finally getting their cakes!
Of course they had their favorite animals...
Silvie = alligator
Jocelyn = penguins
Farrah = elephant
Aunt Deanna did an amazing job!
Silvie was so proud of her cake!
They are were!  But she especially would not move from the table where it was placed.

There were lots of people singing happy birthday.  The only malfunction of the party...
It was really windy and we couldn't get the candles to light.  I was really worried about this.  On their actual birthday, we sang and blew candles out four different times.  Once for all three together and then once for each individually.  They seemed okay with it today.  I think because there were so many people standing around them singing.  They just wanted to eat cake!
I still can't believe my triplets are FOUR!
Happy Birthday Babies!

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