Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Beauties. My Heart.

The Simple things in life.
The ones that are right before our eyes.
The ones that grace our hearts with their innocence.
The ones we spend minutes and days and weeks with, but sometimes forget to take those extra minutes to stop and enjoy all the special details that those seconds hold.  The special details that pass so quickly.  The details that once they are gone...are mere memories in our hearts and minds.  
My heart and mind are filled with those special memories.
My beautiful babies are growing so fast.
I look at them in complete awe of how fast they are changing.  Taking in the world around them.
Matt and I have held many difficult decisions upon our shoulders over the past several months.
I have been struggling the the increased time the I find I am away from my beauties with work, and derby.  I miss my girls.  I miss my family.  I am missing my girls.  I am missing those seconds, those details that I can never get back.  
When Chloe was born I left the outside working world, and began my career as a stay at home Mommy.  I loved it.  Everything about it.  I continued that throughout the triplets (almost) three years and then began working outside the home.  We needed some extra income, and with Matt working a better shift, the time was right.  A part time job, turned into an almost full time one for the last year and a half.  After much discussion between us, and lots of worry and children, come first to me.  I have left my outside the home job.  Because I need to be at home with them, and they need me too.  I am missing those seconds that I cannot get back.  I am not willing to watch those seconds disappear anymore.  I can't.  
My beauties are my world.  My heart.  I blink...they grow...I blink again...they will be grown.
My mind feels clear.  I have made the right decision.
Matt supports the decision we have made as a partnership.  We will make it.
I am ecstatic to get back the Mommy that I was before my life became too busy with too many other things.
I have a clear focus.
I am a Mommy.  To four amazing, beautiful little girls.  They need their Mommy.  I am a wife.  To a man who is my hero and my heart.  I am a woman.  A wonderful mother and wife.  There is enough of me for many different things.  But my focus is my family.  
My family is my heart, my soul, my world.  Without them I am nothing.

"Happiness is a Journey.  Not a Destination."
They reminded me of this today.  I am thankful for that reminder.
I love you with my entire heart.
Sleep Well Sweet Beauties.

1 comment:

  1. read your post and see the pictures make me always smile....hope when I got married, I could have a wonderful family like you... ^_^
