Friday, November 11, 2011

Halloween Fun

Halloween this year was so much fun!
It was the first year the triplets' costumes were not something "coordinated" with each other.
Which, I will admit, at first was a little sad for mommy.
Of course I got over it, as they were happy little clams in the costumes that they individually chose.
Silly camera time = The best camera time

Ghostbuster girl strikes a pose.
I learned a new trick during photo time this year.
As we know, for the past two or three years...okay, let's just say...ever since they have learned that mommy wants them to look at her when she has the camera in hand, sometimes it's a struggle to get them to look.  Especially with one beauty in particular.  Not to mention, getting four little girls to all look the same direction at the same time...almost impossible.
We tried a game.
We call it "POSE"
"New POSE"
"New POSE"
"New POSE"
Even the normally camera shy little sweetie Jocelyn LOVED this game!  She would have continued for hours.  I took so many great shots of all of them.  Amazing.
Chloe even wanted to do some action shots!  She wanted to show off how high Wednesday could jump.  It was so cute to see them so excited to have their photos taken.  Makes me smile.
Jocelyn Purple Fairy had to get in on the action jumping shots too.

Chloe Wednesday wins the highest jump.
Ghostbuster and Ladybug want in on the jumping fun!

The trick or treaters are all ready to go!  Molli dressed to dazzled in her flapper attire.
They were blowing kisses to their Daddy!
Molli joins in and blows one to her Daddy too!  The beauties blow a few more to Daddy, one to uncle Chad, and some to Poppy!  Also some for their Grammies!

...and they are off...

Candy buckets are getting heavy...need a break.

Walking along....."POSE"  Way to play a long girls!!
Silvie just vaporized a ghost.
Wednesday practicing a "no-smile" face...which is very difficult for Chloe, because she is a smiley, giggly girl.

The "witches" house.
The "witch" lives up the street from Grammy Pam and Poppy Steve.  
Her house is so much fun, with all sorts of spooky things to look at and listen to.
She talks funny and wears the best witches dress ever.
Silvie liked this "Skelly"
She wanted to chat with him.
Vaporizing more ghosts.

She's getting the proton pack ready to vaporize...look out ghost.
Hope your Halloween was as much fun as our was.

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