Sunday, February 26, 2012

Eight Years Ago

Eight years ago,
I became a Mommy.
Chloe's Mommy.
It was a day that feels like yesterday and yet so long ago. 
A day when everything in my life changed.
I became a Mom.  The way I looked at the world was different.  They way I looked at my husband was different.  The way I looked at my parents was different.  The way I looked at life was different.
I became a Mom.
God had given me a perfect miracle.
I held her at my breast, close to my heart.
She was my beautiful miracle.
So small.  So fragile.  So precious.
A miracle.
I still remember looking at her for the first time.  Touching her cheek to mine for the first time.  Looking into her eyes for the first time.  Feeding her for the first time.  Her sweet lips. 
Falling in love with her over and over and over again.
My miracle.
My 7lb 5oz baby girl.
I remember taking her home.
So scared and so ready to be her Mommy.
Holding her and watching her sleep.  Rocking her when she cried.
She is my everything.  My Chloe.
So many firsts have gone, first bath, first smiles, first laughs.  First words, first steps, first lost tooth.  First overnight at Grandma and Papas, first day of school.
So many firsts still to come...
I cherish each day with my miracle.
I am in love with being a Mommy.
Life was changed eight years ago...I could not imagine it any different now.
I am a Mommy.

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