Our New "Backyard"

 We have gorgeous landscapes all around our new home.
The Beauties have been loving our walks along the trails and across the spillway.  They love to find bugs and skip rocks and see all the the different kinds of animals that live all around us.

 Linus loves the outdoors too.

We began moving two weeks ago today.  Our new home is a ranch style, surrounded by beautiful trees and just down the road...the lake.  Of course we LOVE it here already.

 The Beauties love to sit in the front window and watch for deer.  We have a lot of deer around here.  But the thing they are the most excited about...THE HUMMINGBIRDS!  We have tons on them.  We hung two feeders and they are occupied pretty much the entire day.  The girls sit in the window and admire their beauty.

 This trail is almost right out of our back yard.  So beautiful.

Silvie...the official bug lover...she is finding all sorts of crawling things.
These are her cicadas.  (on their leashes.)

Schools In Session

It's a new year.
New friends, new surroundings, new things to learn and master.

I can clearly remember Chloe's first day of Kindergarten.  She was so nervous and so excited and I was in tears.  She knew her buddy Piper would be with her and that seem to make things better.  As she enters fourth grade AND a brand new school, she is as excited as can be and not even a little nervous (not that she will admit anyway) the only thing she is missing is her buddy Piper.  (Insert sad face here.)
She has met many new friends over the last year, being a Solon Girl Scout gave her a warm welcome to the community and she has made some lifelong friends already.  
I am so excited to watch her grow this year! 

Miss Jocelyn, the 1st grader.  Full of attitude and sass at home, yet is known as the sweetest of at school according to her Kindergarten teacher. 
She is all ready for 1st grade and all the fun things her teacher has to teach her.  
She was absolutely ready to go back to school.
Go get em little Spartan!

Farrah the 1st grader.  She was still in summer loving swing, but after "unpack the backpack" night...she changed her mind. She walked into her classroom and found her desk...she sits right in between her two best boy buddies!  Wesley and Ben.  The excitement was easy to read on her face and as soon as I realized what she was so excited about, I smiled too.  I can just see the three of them hanging together this year.

My sassy little Silvie.  No one was more ready to get back to the social school day than her.
She love summer, but she missed her friends and she missed the structure of the school day.
I think she was the most excited of the four to get back to school.  Her teacher is the perfect match for her.  Very colorful and creative and social!  Perfect match!  I am so excited to watch her throughout the year.
I am also excited to see how the triplets do being more individual this year.
They are all in a different class this year.  Making thinks a little complicated to begin, but I think it will be good for them as individuals.  Time will tell.

My babies are growing up too fast. 

The girls also wanted to redo the first day pictures the second day...Daddy was unable to be here for the first day send off and they wanted his to experience it too.
So here are 2nd day shoots... 

Also...they LOVE the bus.
Here's to a great year!