Sunday, August 25, 2013

Our New "Backyard"

 We have gorgeous landscapes all around our new home.
The Beauties have been loving our walks along the trails and across the spillway.  They love to find bugs and skip rocks and see all the the different kinds of animals that live all around us.

 Linus loves the outdoors too.

We began moving two weeks ago today.  Our new home is a ranch style, surrounded by beautiful trees and just down the road...the lake.  Of course we LOVE it here already.

 The Beauties love to sit in the front window and watch for deer.  We have a lot of deer around here.  But the thing they are the most excited about...THE HUMMINGBIRDS!  We have tons on them.  We hung two feeders and they are occupied pretty much the entire day.  The girls sit in the window and admire their beauty.

 This trail is almost right out of our back yard.  So beautiful.

Silvie...the official bug lover...she is finding all sorts of crawling things.
These are her cicadas.  (on their leashes.)

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