Friday, July 18, 2008

Shots Hurt

Chloe had her 4 year "well check" yesterday. She is doing fabulous, all but the 5 shots she received! Lucky her huh? She is growing right up. Weighing in at 34 lbs and 41.5 inches tall! She also has 20/20 vision! Yea Chloe Girl! The doctors were pleased and said everything looked great. We had to laugh though...the resident that saw Chloe first, came in and went through a list of questions. Things about family life, activities, meal time, etc. She asked if we felt stressed...duh! We are parents! Aren't all parents stressed? She asked "if we had guns in our home?" Actually, let me back up, Matt met us at the appointment, he came from work, in full uniform, yes, gun on hip and all, badge, gun belt, green and tan uniform. So she says, "do you have guns are home?" Matt says, "Yes". She asks "are they are locked up?" Matt says "yes, of course". Then she asks Matt, "What do you do for a living?" Um, yeah, you're going to examine our child? He is dressed in a full uniform! How many dumb questions in a row can you ask before we question your competence? I seriously wanted to look at her and say "he's a stripper! Those pants are Velcro!" But I didn't. Matt replied with, "I am a Police Officer." She still didn't get it. We were able to talk with Chloe's doctor after the resident was finished with her series of questions. After 2 plus hours there, the nurses came in with the needles. She had 5 total. 3 in one leg 2 in the other. I learned yesterday that Chloe is a very strong 4 year old! Poor least she will not have to have any before she starts school next year!

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