Monday, July 14, 2008

Washington County Fair

The girls were in a Triplet/Twins contest tonight at the Washington County Fair. There were over 50 sets of twins! Ages 2 months to 69 years. There were 7 sets of triplets. Ages 16 months to 19 years. They judges on several different categories, youngest/oldest, tallest/shortest, minutes apart at birth, looked most/least alike. I know they were the most adorable/cutest set there. But they didn't judge that. Hee hee. The girls were the youngest set of triplets! The were awarded $15.00 and a blue ribbon! It was fun! We met a couple other sets of triplets that live sort of close to us. There were even 2 sets of twin calves in the contest. Cute.
The girls had the most fun looking at all the animals after the contest. They LOVE animals. Silvie said MOO tonight! They were fascinated with the roosters and the sheep! They cannot wait until the Johnson County Fair next week, maybe we will see you there.

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