Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fun at Grandma's House

Yesterday the girls and I spent the day in Marion. We met Grandma Val and Grandpa Dave, Aunt Ande, Haley and Aunt Alicia in Albernette for the parade. You know how the girls love parades. Chloe and Haley were able to ride on a horse and carriage. They were even able to throw candy. Chloe said she wanted to ride ONLY if we caught some candy for her. I think she made out pretty well! The girls loved watching all the entries go past, and of course eating tootsie rolls. Next time you see Chloe, ask her how to get the horses to go and to stop, it's super cute how she says it. After the parade, we headed back to Grandma and Grandpas. We had a little gathering in honor of Aunt Alicia and Baby Will (due the 17th of September). We haven't seen her since she found out she was expecting Baby Will. She looked great! We cannot wait to meet Baby Will...the first boy grand baby! I know his cousins will love and spoil him. I can see them looking out after him already. We had lunch and played outside on the trampoline. Well some of us did. Chloe and Haley jumped and jumped and Jocelyn, Farrah and Silvie took turns jumping with Aunt Ande. It was a fun day together. We did miss Daddy and Uncle Eli though (they were working).

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