Sunday, August 3, 2008

Daddy is Fun

Daddy gives the best rides. Our new favorite thing is being "thrown" in the air. Daddy makes sure we all get a turn. We spent the good part of an hour doing this tonight. Good arm work out huh Daddy?


  1. Daddy is the fun one at our house, too. In fact, I could have taken those same picturues of my kids! They love it when Daddy tosses them...but I fear they are getting a bit big and it wears him out much faster now! I also love your photo shrine on the wall - I have one of those myself!

  2. Photo Shrines are my favorite! I always I have too many...nope you can never have too many! I'm sure the professionals from HGTV would beg to differ! But I LOVE IT!

    I alwayd joke with Chloe, the oldest, okay it's Mommy's turn! She laughs and reminds me "you're too big Mommy". Hey it's worth a shot!
