Monday, August 4, 2008

Little Climbers

We had a little outing today with our BFF's. Molly, Olivia and Laila. Daddy even came too! We took the "little beauties" to the Par-Tee Zone. They spent two hours climbing and running, crawling and sliding, and let us not forget squealing with delight. Poor little Laila girl...the triplets just LOVE her and she is so not used to having three people the same size as she is being mobile and literally attacking her. Jocelyn, Farrah and Silvie invade her space...big time. They hug her and kiss her and knock her over. They are trying to show her how much they is truly sweet. Olivia and Chloe were red faced and sweaty when we left...well, was I. By the way, Kristi, if you read this...the girl I talked to on the phone...must have hit the crack pipe right before I called...the prices have not changed. Still a very affordable place to take the kids. We will have to add that to out list of things to do when the weather is a blistering 150+ degrees. Sorry about the incorrect information!

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