Thursday, September 4, 2008

I scream, you scream

I am a bit behind on my posting over the last week. Please excuse that. We have been very busy around here. It's time for back to preschool for Chloe. Her first full year and the last before kindergarten. Sob. We had the official ice cream social last Thursday at school. She found out here teacher and her room and was reacquainted with some old friends, kids and animals too. She is very excited to be in the "Red Room" again! She will be with Ms. Thomas her favorite. On the way she informed me that she didn't want a new teacher she liked her old one. So we were all happy that some things don't change! She is excited to begin next week. Complete with new backpack, new shoes and a brand new dress! I hope things go a bit more smoothly this year than last. I am confident they will.

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