Thursday, September 4, 2008

No labor today

Another holiday weekend comes to an end. Seems like they come and go in the blink of an eye these days. Just when you start to kick back...relax...wait...relax...I must have been talking about someone else's holiday weekend? We had fun but not much relaxing. There was a lot of playing, climbing, dancing (by the girls) and chasing girls (by the mommy). Chloe was able to spend the better part of the weekend at the campgrounds with Papa and Gram and Molli. She had a lot of fun! Playing outside, eating yummies and playing at the playground. Papa even took her to see the fossil gorge. She saw "the bones of a dead flying fish" and "scummy green water that smelled yucky!" She has quite the descriptive vocabulary these days! They girls and I joined them on Saturday evening for a cookout. Daddy even came after work. Great Gramma and Keaton were there and Uncle Chaddy too. It was a good time. We always love to go camping, and then go home to sleep in the AC. We left shortly after dinnertime, donned in fresh jammies. We were VERY TIRED and ready for bed! Sorry Jami...we had good intentions for meeting up, wanted to see you and give you a squeeze, however my children had other time...hope your weekend was full of play and no labor!

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