Monday, December 29, 2008

Breaking out the "bong" at Grammy and Papa's

Setting the scene...
In the kitchen making lunch. The Littlest Beauties are playing with Chloe's new matchbox cars.
Chloe starts up a conversation...
"Mommy, this weekend at Grammy's, Molli and I were pretending."
"You were? What were you pretending?"
"We were pretending that we were "stoned."
I am smiling at this point.
"Oh, you were pretending you were what?"
"Like we were "stoned."
"Yea, you know pretending like we were "STONED!"
I am trying to disguise laughter now, because she is so sweet and innocent.
"What does "stoned" look like?"
"Well, you know."
"How do I know?"
"You know, just..."stoned."
Now I am rolling.
"Mommy you know "stoned" like this..."
She looks at me and freezes her entire body. "We were stoned! Like made out of "stoned!"
Fighting back tears I am laughing so hard.
"We were statues, made of "stone."
"Made of stones, you were statues made of "stones."
"Yes Mom...that is what I have been trying to tell you!"
So sweet and innocent my little Chloe.
Sugar Mommy...get your head out of the gutter!
Glad to know Grammy and Papa were playing statues...and there were no bongs involved in this kind of "stoned"...hopefully life will stay that way for a long long long time!
updated...not that I probably need to actually state parents DO NOT have a bong!


  1. That is hilarious!! My mouth would have dropped to the floor in the beginning of that conversation as well, lol.

  2. That is great!! Love the song! Have a good new year!

  3. Ha, imagine running across this post. Looks like you guys have your hands quite full. That's a funny conversation, I just had to say high!

    Hope you had a great Christmas and best wishes for a happy new year.


  4. That is HILARIOUS! What's the saying, "kids say the darndest things" *grin*! Love the update too.

  5. sure, i know grandma pan and papa have been hitting the bong pretty hard these days! this was funny! they are so innocent. make sure you remember to tell chloe this one when she is in high school! :)
