Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Molli "stuffed" Chloe's shirt and gave her boobies! C'mon Molli...she's only 5!

Chloe proud of her boobies

Silvie posing away...she loves the camera (glad one does)

Farrah in her party hat...sort of

Jocelyn double fisting slippy cups...hmm at least some one was partying
Happy New Year! Can you believe that 2009 is here? 2008 flew by so quickly...I think I forgot to blink. We rang in the new year at Gram and Papa's (well until 8pm anyway). The Little Beauties had fun eating party snacks and playing with their cousin. Chloe got to have a sleepover at with Molli. The Beauties were in bed asleep by 8:30. Although Jocelyn as up at 11:57 to spend New Year's moment with Mommy.
Hope your 2009 is blessed and happy!
Here's to a year full of new memories!

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