Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not again

Guess who was out of her crib again this morning?
Correct...Miss Jocelyn.
Any suggestions about transitioning from crib to bed for multples?


  1. Honey, I wish I had some advise... All I can say is "Good luck and lot's of patience"

  2. One of my three started jumping out of her crib literally days after DH left for a year in Iraq. So, I transitioned them all 3 to toddler beds by myself. I won't lie... the first 2 weeks were awful at bed time, but naps were a breeze as a result. From what I've heard it's usually either or... no trouble at bedtime and ruined naps, or like we had it. Things went back to normal after only a couple of weeks. Now I can hardly remember having to hoist them up and into their cribs!!
