Thursday, February 19, 2009

toddler beds

Last night at bedtime, we completed our routine. Dinner, bath time fun, a little dancing, and then off to bed. The resident monkey aka Jocelyn Pearl was on the move. In bed they were placed, and kissed and then the game was on. Jocelyn was out of bed six times. Hmmm, I think toddler beds are in our future.


  1. Hi, just found your blog(s). Your girls are incredibly BEAUTIFUL, all 4 of them!! I love their names too! I have a new niece named Farah, love love love that name!! OK, so I'm going to become a follower of you. Hope to see more pics of these adorable girls. Take care!

  2. Hi, just found your blog(s). Your girls are incredibly BEAUTIFUL, all 4 of them!! I love their names too! I have a new niece named Farah, love love love that name!! OK, so I'm going to become a follower of you. Hope to see more pics of these adorable girls. Take care!

  3. Hi, just found your blog(s). Your girls are incredibly BEAUTIFUL, all 4 of them!! I love their names too! I have a new niece named Farah, love love love that name!! OK, so I'm going to become a follower of you. Hope to see more pics of these adorable girls. Take care!

  4. I found that I was able to buy good Toddler Beds for a great price at the It was less costly than elsewhere.
