Monday, May 4, 2009

1st practice

Chloe girl had her very first tee ball practice yesterday. She did really well and loved it.
She ran bases, did warm up stretches, caught grounders and even took a turn at bat. She only showed a one sign of being like her Momma..."Mommy, I'm hot." I think I heard her say it about twenty-some times in an hour and a half. Other than that, her attention stayed focused (as well as a five year old can stay focused.) I only caught her digging for worms in the field once. Hee hee. She seemed to enjoy herself very much. We have lots of practicing ahead of us. She is a wee bit afraid of the ball...who isn't? She did very well at bat, she can hit them pretty far for as small as she is. She played first base and third base and liked both. Hopefully she will take after her Mommy and be a first base regular...wink wink. She was very excited that the two head coaches asked her Mommy to be an assistant coach, of course I said yes. She thinks that is very special and so does Mommy. We are all very excited for the next practice.


  1. It's so much fun isn't it?? I think my husband and I are going to coach next year. I just hope the girls have as much fun as us!!

  2. Oh, I hope she enjoys it! My girl wants to quit gymnastics and play softball. WE will see how that goes!
