Saturday, May 2, 2009

Party time

The Birthday Girl Molli

Lil' Sugar #1

Lil' Sugar #3

Lil' Sugar #2

My Derby Fans

Lil' Sugar #4

Jocelyn having fun

Chloe and Farrah

Toxic Sugar's biggest fans...the Lil' Sugars

Molli is excited about her birthday gifts.

Chloe waiting for cake.

Jocelyn loves the cake

Silvie loves the cake too.

So does Farrah.
What a great party! Thanks for inviting us Molli! We had a great time and hope that your birthday celebration was wonderful for you!


  1. I just love their shirts, they are so cute. I wish I had some cake to eat...yum!

  2. Oh I love the shirts too! They are so cute and your girls are adorable as always! What joy they must bring you.

  3. THose shirts are GREAT!!! Easy to keep track of em!!
