Friday, July 31, 2009

Take us to the Fair...part 2

Mommy and the Beauties headed to the fair with cousin Molli and Grammy again last evening. It was the last day, so we decided we had so much fun Tuesday, we wanted to go again. Papa got ride armbands for the girls. They rode some rides. Ate some chicken and noodles and of course more ice cream. Ah...we love ice cream at the fair. We paid another visit to the animals. Cows, duckies and sheep. The girls loved the sheep and cows. Everyone agreed the ducks smelled the worst. Molli, Chloe, Farrah and Silvie even touched a SNAKE! Jocelyn wanted no part of the scary looking reptile! She did not like it at all. Grammy said that the four that did partake in the snake petting must not truly be her Grandbabies. Yucky.
We didn't make the fireworks...just too late for the beauties. They were ready to go about an hour before they were set to begin. Maybe next year.
We love the fair!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We love the Fair

The Beauties had a fun filled day at the county fair today. Of course the favorite of the day was the animals barns and the ice cream (of course). They loved the cows and the sheep. Farrah wanted to take the "piggys" home for some piggy soup, however, I talked her out if it. We did take a picture of two "piggys" "spooning" it is Farrah's favorite. We also saw peacocks and bunnies, horses and goats. Jocelyn learned that she shouldn't put her fingers inside the chicken pens...she got pecked. She laughed. I guess it tickled. They also visited with the peacocks, donkeys and ducks. Chloe, Farrah and Jocelyn got to ride a ride. Farrah and Jocelyn picked the choo-choo and Chloe rode on the swings with cousin Haley and her friend Sammy. Silvie wasn't riding today. We walked through the halls and collected "junk". We even saw cousin Molli! She was there with her summer camp. The beauties were very excited to see her! They are already looking forward to going back on Thursday night! Chloe said she is riding all the rides!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Take Us Out to the Ball Game

Silvie and her balloon monkey

Jocelyn and Farrah riding "Papa's truck" All firetrucks are called Papa's truck

Cowgirl Farrah

Hayley and Farrah

Chloe and Papa Balloon

Chloe the Kernels fan

Haley doing a toe touch kick...(second from left in green)

Cowgirl Chloe

It was an afternoon at the Kernels game Sunday.
Haley-Bop was dancing before the game and we had to go and check out her skills. She's got mad skills, yo. Good job Haley.
The Beauties had a great time eating hot dogs, popcorn and ice cream. They rode the firetruck and the horsey rides. They even got balloon animals by Papa Balloon.
They didn't see much baseball...but it was a good time none the less.


The trio were busy with Ring-Around-the-Rosie tonight after their baths were finished. If you ask them what the song is called, they will tell you "Ashies-Ashies." Super cute they are. They were having a blast, and then decided to give each other some pre-bedtime kisses. I love watching them when they are giggling and giving each other love. They always kiss each other at bedtime now and say goodnight and I love you. Melts Mommy's heart every time.

Piggy Soup

Farrah is becoming quite the little chef. Her latest concoction...Piggy Soup. She spent about twenty minutes this morning getting the recipe just right. You know, the right amount of piggies in the pot. She stirred them and heated them on the stove, cooled them in the refrigerator, and then served them to mommy and her sisters. Look out Food she comes.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Laila!

Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday dear Laila
Happy Birthday to YOU!

Happy 2nd Birthday Laila-girl!
We love you sweetie and hope that you have a wonderful birthday!
Sorry all the sick Beauties were unable to come to the party!

Little Sickies

It has been one of those crabby weeks around here, with the exception of the day we spent at the zoo. I finally decided the girls needed to be checked by the doctor today. This after another almost sleepless night. All three up in shifts, and sometimes all at once. (Man, how did I do that for 16 months when they were babies?) They have all been running fevers off and on since Thursday, running noses and coughs...just overall not themselves.
Three double ear infections...ugh...poor beauties. They are all hopped up on Tylenol and antibiotics. So far...they are sleeping quietly, do I dare curse myself by writing that? I guess I just did. Chloe is asleep too, in our bed. She is also running a 103 temperature and says her ears and throat hurt and she has a headache. Poor sweetheart. She never gets sick. Not even colds. Hoping the meds kick in quickly and our house is back to "normal" very soon.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Where's the Beef Days?

Ah summer time fun in the small towns surrounding us. We hit a local town carnival tonight.
"Beef Days."
The girls chowed on hamburgers, and dogs and of course funnel cakes (yummy).
They road on the carousel and the ladybugs and had a blast! Chloe even rode the swings, although the ride was maybe a bit too long for her, she looked a little green when she came off. "The fear was setting in her face" as Papa put it.
They plucked duckies out of a pool and took the prize of four new balls! (Thank goodness it wasn't the prize of those annoying trumpet horns.) Chloe threw some darts and won a monkey.
Good times had by all.

Put us in the Zoo

Sitting on the piggy.

The reptile house.

The baby camel.

Chloe...always posing.

Monkeys looking at monkeys.

Pretty giraffes.

The beloved giraffes.

One of the evil goaties

The evil goatie getting ready to stick his head through to say hello.

Farrah enjoying the choo-choo

Jocelyn waiting patiently for the choo-choo.

This statue was the only elephant we were able to see today.

The temperature was a balmy and wonderful 67 degrees today. Sugar Mommy's favorite kind of weather. We woke up a bit on the early side this morning and decided to take advantage of the cooler temp and head out to the zoo. It is about an hour drive from home and I dared to brave it on my own. Sugar Mommy and her 4 Little Beauties.
We arrived and headed in and took a ride around the zoo on the choo-choo train. The Beauties LOVED it. They were so excited to see all of the animals. They waved and squealed with happiness. The favorites of the day were of course the giraffes, by a landslide. They also LOVED the monkeys and the camels. There was even a month old baby camel. The beauties were quite interested in him, especially while he was breastfeeding. We heard the male lion give several big "roars" he was really loud. They also were very interested in the reptile house. (Hmmm...not sure about that one?) I think the only part they didn't care for was the goats in the petting zoo. One of them stuck it's head through the fence and I thought they were all going to jump out of their skin. They all started crying and screaming. Other patrons got quite a kick out of it. I have to admit I giggled too. They didn't mind them from a far, so big sissy did the feeding by hand. The Littlest Beauties wanted nothing to do with those goaties licking their hands. We spent about three hours walking around and visiting the animals.
It is safe to say they really enjoyed the zoo.