Friday, July 3, 2009

I am a terrible Mommy

Remember my post from yesterday? The one where I talked about how in the world I would tell my sweet Chloe that her beloved hamster Bella escaped while she was gone? Well it has become my nightmare. She is gone. The triplets must have opened her cage again right before bedtime. I never thought to look to be sure it was closed. When they were having breakfast this morning, I looked over and saw that the cage was open. To my horror...Bella was not inside...
Matt and I tore apart the house today looking for her. I swear I have been in tears all day. No locate...she is no where to be found. Please...I pray for her to turn up...alive and unharmed by the cats. What am I going to tell my sweet Chloe. She loved that hamster with her entire heart. I am a terrible Mommy.


  1. OH NO!!!! I hope you find her. Maybe she's hiding and when she gets bored or hungry she'll show up? Buy some no-kill mice catchers and see if you can trap yourself a hamster, LOL.

  2. When I was little, my hamster escaped for almost a off crumbs I would imagine... she will come out usually at night...keep the cats locked up downstairs for a few days...put some treats or food out for her and set her cage on the floor so she can get in it. Good Luck! Happy 4th!!

  3. My hamsters ALWAYS got out, and after a day or two showed back up. Once, my missing hamster Houdini (aptly named because of his escapes) crawled across me while I was sleeping. Talk about a freak out moment.
    They do usually show up again. a replacement hamster. There. I said it. I'm a terrible mom too, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
