Thursday, July 2, 2009

Vacation update

Miss Chloe is having a blast in Florida. She has been soaking up the sun and surf for the last two days! Lucky little beauty! She went swimming in the ocean (several times) she is no longer afraid of jelly-fish (which is good because she had herself talked into not going on Sunday because of being terrified of them.) Papa said she was even catching "pet" crabs today. They literally had to pull her out of the water because it was time to have dinner tonight. I am so glad she is having fun! She has been collecting shells for everyone she loves. I am quite sure we will have to put on an addition for all of the ones she has found. She has also been swimming in the pool at the hotel. She has a ring and arm floaters and told me I would be so proud of how well she can swim. She hasn't put her face in the water yet...maybe later this week.

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