Monday, August 17, 2009

Another Adventure

Farrah and Silvie watching a bird play peek-a-boo.

We found Nemo.

Although this photo doesn't seem all that interesting. There is a story.
You know that "lizzy" that Silvie carries with her everywhere?
Well...she put him in the tank for a "swim." Luckily...Daddy caught her in the action just in time. I cannot imagine what may have happened if her lizard lovey would have been fed to the giant fish in this tank. Thank goodness for miracles.

Red Panda. Chloe said he is smiling at us.

On the swing bridge...again...

"Hawkeye" froggy.

Jocelyn pointing out some of the things were are going to see today.

Silvie being cute.

Chloe posing with the alligators.

Chloe and Jocelyn with the Jellies.

Baby seahorse. They were so small.

Jocelyn's bullfroggy.


The Beauties posing with Daddy.

Chloe running the foot bridge.

Silvie on the bridge.

Farrah walking on the swing bridge. This was a favorite.
However, Jocelyn would not get on it. cream+triplets=problem solved

Farrah fell asleep eating her ice cream.

Triple the curiosity.

"Tree hugger."

"The Pengos!"

The Beauties love love love the penguins.

Tired lion.

Tired lioness.

"I like to move it move it." Chloe said that's what the lemurs in Madagascar sing.

Chloe feeding the "biting" goats.

Chloe feeding "her" giraffe.

Farrah not sure she wants to feed "her" giraffe.

These were our favorite two giraffes. They loved us.

Jocelyn feeds "her" giraffe. Holding tightly to Daddy the entire time.

Silvie smiling from ear to ear getting ready to feed "her" giraffe.

Look at that tongue.

Farrah feeds "her" giraffe.
The Giraffe feeding was the most favorite of the day.
We bought giraffe crackers and each of the Beauties took turns feeding the giraffes. They all thought it was super fun and they loved their long purple tongues.

Chloe and her giraffe. She said her tongue felt like sandpaper.

Chloe was eaten by a dinosaur.

The hungry koi...they just kept eating.

Chloe training the otter.

We couldn't let summer escape without one more try at a great family outing. So we packed up and headed for Des Moines this morning. Destination...Blank Park Zoo.
We arrived late morning and the Beauties were ready to see some animals.
The zoo was a wonderful choice. The crowd was pretty small and the people were super friendly. We knew it would be a great day.
First stop the otters. The Beauties watched and giggled as they swam in their pool.
Next the giant tortoises...I mean giant! They were huge. We also saw flamingos, lions, a tiger, camels, koi, sea lions, red pandas, bats, a snake, a scorpion, frogs, seahorses, birds and of course Jocelyn's beloved penguins, among several other types of zoo dwellers. Chloe fed some hungry goats, which the triplets wanted nothing to do with. They kept saying, "goats bite."
It was a great day. Matt and I are so glad we decided to try the adventure thing again.
What a great end to the summer of 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I never knew the Des Moines zoo was so nice! Looks like you had a great deserve it after your Aquarium trip!
