Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am in Kindergarten

Sponge rollers...I still remember when my Mommy did this the eve of the first day of school.
Of course we had to carry on the tradition.

Dinosaur shaped peanut butter sammy.

Fruit loops...the breakfast of little champions.

My beautiful Chloe.

Align Center
Chloe's favorite "sassy" pose. She has it mastered.

Kindergarten. It's here. I cannot believe it. I seriously feel like it is too soon. It seems like yesterday she was a tiny baby. My tiny baby. Why does time have to move so fast? You blink and you miss it.
The big day was today. Chloe did so well. She was very excited and only slightly nervous.
She woke at 7:15 and asked..."Is it school time already?" Then she added she was still tired. Mommy's girl there.
She woke up quickly had breakfast and brushed her teeth. She got all dressed up and was ready to go.
Mommy had to sneak in a photo shoot...which she seemed to not really mind.
She looked beautiful!
The day went well. She said her favorite part was lunch and recess.
Daddy's girl there.
She even said tonight she was excited to go back, even though she missed me today.
Mommy only shed "a few" tears this morning after leaving. I couldn't help it. She is my baby!

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