Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Big Girl Beds

Today Daddy decided it was time to put together the big girls beds. The little Beauties have decided to make it a daily thing to climb out of their cribs. They crawl out EVERY time they are put in. They then climb the dresser, empty drawers and well...not sleep. I voiced my concern that one of them could fall and get hurt. After Jocelyn was busted during nap time sitting in the top drawer, we decided it was time to take the cribs out of the room was drawing near.
They had a great time "helping" Daddy assemble the bed. Daddy would not agree that they were great helpers. That being said, we have two of three together. Tonight may be the last night in the cribs. We will see. I don't look for this to be an easy transfer from crib to bed. I will say they love to jump on beds. It will be interesting that is for sure.

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