Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jocelyn <3 Football

I watch the game? Is the game on? I watch football.
These are the most common words out of Jocelyn.
She is addicted to football.
She got a taste of it on Saturday watching the Hawks. She continued to watch other games after it was over. For the last two days she has flipped through the channels searching endlessly for a game. She loves football. She sits in a trance and watches. If one of her sister changes the channel or turns off tv, she goes into major meltdown. This morning I went in their room, and the first thing out of her mouth was "Mommy, watch the game?" When I told her that football wasn't on, she stood determined at the tv to find the game, and low and behold...found one. She looked at me and said "Mommy, yes game IS on."
Daddy is in heaven.

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