Friday, November 19, 2010

Don't worry Tiger...I don't think they will take your spot on the Pro Tour

Getting ready for the shot.  Daddy teaching Farrah how to play mini golf...sort of
They literally ruled the course.
It may be true that they spent more time hoping on the holes than putting balls into them.
Silvie gets ready to try on her own.
She shoots, she scores.  Chloe is actually very good.  one of four not too bad.
Daddy helping Farrah again.
Almost Jocey!
Silvie may have made more shots if she would have held her club correctly.
Or maybe she made more this way.
Placing it right where she wanted it.  That's legal right?
Posing on the course.  Farrah is always ready for the camera.
Silvie taking a little break.
Chloe concentrating. 
I think it went in Farrah.
Sizing up the mission.
Farrah hanging with the "green" frog.
This is how it's done now.
Good form.
Jocelyn literally stopped and crawled in here to try to take a nap.
She was really tired.
Chloe asking for something.

All in all it was a fun experience to watch the girls on the course.  I think we learned that the triplets are not quite ready for mini golf, but they still had a great time.  The course was under black lights, which was pretty neat.  The music was loud, which is good when my four children are running wild in a public place.  They were dancing and golfing and smiling, which is all that matters-the smiling.

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