Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A time to be Thankful

I count my blessings everyday.  Sometimes many times during a single day.
I have so much to be thankful for.
My husband.  A man that fulfills the definition of husband and father ten fold.  He is supportive and kind.  Nurturing, caring, he loves his family more than any words could even begin to describe.  He is my rock.
My beautiful daughters.  Not a day passes without looking at them and thinking about how wonderful life is.  They are amazing.  Four miracles.  They are my heart and my soul.  I am a better person because of them.  I learn so much about myself, by being their Mommy.
I think about how fast time goes by.  Even though the days are long sometimes, the years are moving so quickly.  The day Chloe was born, my life was forever changed.  Blissful.  She is such a beautiful spirit.  So sweet and sassy.  She has so much love to give.  The triplets, brought completion to our family.  More than we could have ever imagined.  I am in awe every time I think of how far we have come since that day we learned there were three tiny lives growing inside me.  They are little people now, our babies aren't babies.  They are full of energy and spunk all of the time.  They are smart and sweet and love life.
My Mom and Dad and Matty's mom Valerie.  They are such a huge part of our lives.  They are always giving and helping and have so much love for the Beauties.  I am so grateful to have them so close and so involved in helping to raise our family.  Always willing to help whenever we ask.  Being supportive and showing us the way to see that are daughters are as happy as we were as children.  Showing us true examples of being a parent.  I know Matt and I are the parents we are because of our own parents examples.
Our nieces, Molli and Haley.  Two girls that are growing up so quickly.  We cherish them.  They are huge role models to our girls and I hope that the relationships will continue to grow with them, as I know that they will.  Of course their parents, Chad and Dee and Ande.  Always there to lend support when we need them.
My wonderful friends.  All of them.  So much support and love in so many different ways. Old friends, and new friends.
So many people to be thankful for.  It brings tears to my eyes when I try and put into perspective how full my heart is.  I am thankful today and everyday.  My life is wonderful.  Amazingly wonderful.
My heart is smiling.
Happy Thanksgiving.

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