Saturday, December 4, 2010

Timing is a strange gift

Chloe was able to see her "future husband" this past week.  Yes, his Mom and I have arranged their future marriage.  We think they are perfect for each other.  We are perfect "in-laws" for each other as well.  They had a great time catching up and playing together along with his two sweet sisters, the triplets and my good friend Fiona's two boys.  
Over the Thanksgiving Holiday they were home for a visit from Alabama, where they recently moved to.  It was bitter sweet.  The extended visit was due to the passing of Kelly's mother.  
It was wonderful to be able to spend time with their family, who we grew to love so quickly last year when Chloe and Aidan went to school together.
Kelly is an amazing woman.  She is kind and giving.  A wonderful mother.  A beautiful person.  
As we said goodbye after the evening, I was in tears at how strong she is.  Also because I wish we were able to stay more in touch now that we are in different states.  Although our friendship is still new, we have so many things in common.  Our hearts just seemed to connect so quickly (hence the arranged marriage of our children).  She made me smile, telling me that her and Aidan read the blog together.  (I hope you are smiling, Kelly.  You all really mean so much to us.)  It makes me realize that people come into our lives at such interesting times.  You meet people and realize that maybe it wasn't just by chance.  That there is true meaning in timing of relationships.  Although they are not in Iowa, they are never more than a phone call away, and that just thinking of them, brings them close to our hearts.

We are thinking of you all.  We are so sorry for the loss of your mother.  We hope that you know that we are never more than a thought away, and we think of you often. 

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