Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Lots of eggs.
The Beauties colored 6 dozen eggs this year.
72 eggs.
1 1/2 dozen each.
Honestly, they would still be coloring eggs today if I kept putting eggs in front of them.
We ate deviled eggs, egg salad, egg whites, eggs on lettuce salads, eggs with toast, eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
We ate a lot of eggs that week.  We even shared some.
But before we ate them, it took a lot of convincing.  You see the Beauties DID NOT want to destroy their masterpieces.  They wanted to keep them in the fridge and look at them every couple minutes, pointing out their favorites to everyone.
It was a little sad.  We had to have the talk about wasting food every time a shell was cracked.
I also bought several packs of dye tablets to break out on a rainy day.  They will be so happy.

The Beauties also had 2 Easter Eggs Hunts!
Plastic Eggs to their hearts content.

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