Monday, June 4, 2012

The Lord, his Lady...and their 4 Lassie

 So excited to go in...wings strapped on and ready to go.
 Lass Farrah
 Lass Silvie

 Lass Jocelyn
 Farrah the butterfly, Jocelyn the moonfairy and Silvie the lion
 Chloe and Silvie...ROARRRRRR

 Last year was our first experience with the local Renaissance Fair.
This year was Matt's my Lord's first time.
The Beauties Lassies loved it last year, so much that when they saw the sign posted a couple weeks ago on the side of the road they begged to go back and again.  Mostly I think because they wanted their faces painted again...but they also enjoyed many other things.  Pixies playing flutes.  
Running around looking for fairies and dragons and the joust.
They had just as much fun this year and loved that Daddy was there too.
 The best part of the day was of course seeing the Beauties having fun...but a very close second...
Watching Matt's face every time someone called him "Ma Lord"  We aren't really followers of the Renaissance culture, so it made me smile to see him react.  He just smiled and played along.  One of the many things that I adore about my husband.
 Eyes glued to the joust.
Chloe last year.
Jocelyn last year.
Silvie last year...yes she was a lion both times.
Farrah last year.
Amazing how much they have changed huh?

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