Today marked the last day of school in 2009. Winter Break. I loved Winter Break. My sweet Chloe does NOT share that love with me. After school yesterday, we were talking about Christmas and how today was going to be the last day until after New Years. During said conversation, she says "How long am I not going to be at school?" I told her that she goes back on January 4th. She then burst into tears. She was so upset that she was not going to be back to school for "so many" days. She continues crying saying that she will miss her teacher so much. It make my heart hurt. On one hand, I am so glad that she loves school so much, and her teacher is wonderful. But on the other hand, it makes me a little teary that she is not at all excited about being at home for a few weeks with Mommy and her Sissys.
Her Holiday Party was at 2 bells today. I signed up to be a helper. It was so much fun to be there and watch her in action. Learning, listening, interacting. The kids in her class love her. They had snacks, played a letter/sounds game and danced to some "Animal Action." It was also "Pajama Day." It was so entertaining to watch all the kids run around in their jammies dancing and singing. I wish I could hang out as a fly on the wall and watch her all the time.
When the bell rang, she all of the sudden was very quiet. I knelt down and asked her if she was okay...and she burst into tears again. So upset that she would not be at school for "so long." Miss C. came over and gave her a BIG hug and told her not to be sad. She said Winter Break was gonna be so much fun. She was good with that, for now. I also promised her we would try to go sledding everyday. I am mentally preparing for that part of break.
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